Plant Careers at Fieldays Opportunity Grows Here Career Hub

30 Jun 2023

Fieldays, the largest agricultural event in Southern Hemisphere has just wrapped for its 55th year.  With an audience comprising of both newcomers and Fieldays stalwarts, once again demonstrating a remarkable level of engagement and connectedness.

Returning to the traditional winter schedule of 14-17th June, brought the visitor attendance up from 75,000 last November to 105,000 attendees in 2023. Effectively Fieldays have welcomed over 170,000 in just 12 months, bringing together a crowd of people with passion and purpose for the primary industries of Aotearoa.
For the second year, Plant Careers resided in the MPI Opportunity Grows Here Career Hub, with support of the MPI Opportunity Grows Here team as well as wider primary industries promoting careers. Communing with the likes of DairyNZ, Beef + Lamb NZ, Forestry NZ, and HortNZ as well as University of Otago, Tāne Mahuta, Agribusiness in schools, and HATA deepened NZPPI’s connections and awareness.

The hub attracted countless numbers of high school students, teachers and people looking for a career change. MPI booked 39 secondary schools over the four days, bring in over 1200 students.

This wouldn't have been possible without the generous support and donations Plant Careers has received. A huge thank you to:
  • Opportunity Grows Here and MPI (Ministry of Primary Industries) for the banner and opportunity to be in the Careers Hub. 
  • Norwood for the fabulous Plant Career branded Corn Hole game which proved to be an amazing engagement piece, the brought people of all ages to our stand.
  • And of course Zealandia Horticulture!

Zealandia Horticulture was an incredible support to the stand, donating 500 seedlings as giveaways for the second year in a row. Having these plants at the stand, brought an immense amount of value and X Factor attracting people over to learn more about career opportunities and why we were there. It provided a conversation started for those interested in plants, and with each having a branded Plant Careers tag with a QR code to the website people could have Plant Careers in their minds right up until they planted their prize.

Paul and Karen Wylaars from Zealandia Horticulture in Canterbury also spoke in the career hub on Thursday 15th, bringing a genuine and passionate discussion. They talked about their journey, the business history, their sustainability journey and of course the career opportunities in the industry as well as Zealandia Horticulture. 
This session brought interested individuals, that had no idea of the scale the plant production industry, as well as where the plants come from. 

Plant Careers encouraged and informed people about jobs in plant production and allowed us to tell our story and bring awareness to plants and the industry!


Check out Plant Careers on LinkedIn and Instagram @plantcareers

Do you have a Plant Production job available now? Enquire NOW to get it on the website




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