Membership renewal
It’s time to renew your NZ Plant Producers membership for the 2021 /22 year. Our industry partners will already have received an invoice, thank you to those of you who have already settled this.
This year we are making some changes to Plant Producer members' renewal process:
- A 3-year membership commitment.
- New payment options to simplify the membership process.
How they work:
Three-Year Membership Commitment
After consulting with our Members we are offering the option of a 3-year membership commitment. The intention is to provide certainty to NZPPI about our membership base and our revenue over a longer timeframe. This increased certainty will enable us to commit to an increasing number of projects and partnerships that require our commitment over several years.
This is an entirely voluntary option for those who are happy to assist in NZ Plant Producers’ upwards trajectory.
Your membership fees would still be charged annually at the same rate, but you will not have to fill out a full Turnover Declaration form every year.
You can still choose to pay your fees in one lump sum, or in three instalments.
- Complete the Turnover Declaration, selecting the '3 year membership' option.
- Next year, and the year after just a simple calculation of your turnover will be needed, you won't need to fill out a whole Turnover Declaration form.
- If you would like to discuss any expectations you may have to make this commitment, contact Chief Executive, Matthew Dolan.
New Provisional Payment Structure
We are implementing a new provisional payment system to help you pay your membership fees earlier and to reduce the admin.
You can still pay your fees in a lump-sum if you let us know by Friday 9 July. There is no difference in the price you will pay, we just know that some members prefer this method.
Otherwise, we will initiate 2 monthly invoices based on the membership fees that you paid last year. This will be followed by a 3rd “wash-up” invoice (or a refund if you have overpaid) once we receive your annual TD.
We will make sure that you only pay the membership rate of 0.3% of your FY2021 revenue, or the financial period ending closest to 31 March 2021.
This new process gives us certainty about who our members are and clarity of our revenue for the financial year. We know that some of our members have different financial year periods so this means everyone can be locked in as members at the same time.
The provisional payment system works like this:
- BDO will issue an invoice for 30% of last year’s membership fees in July.
- Followed by another 30% in August.
- By the 30th of August you will have completed and returned your Turnover Declaration Form to BDO.
- They will then use this form to calculate your final “wash-up” invoice, or refund.
You do not have to take any action for this process to start. If we do not hear otherwise, BDO will send your first invoice out in July.
Please find a Turnover Declaration form at the link below. If your annual accounts are already complete for last year, you can fill this in and send it directly to BDO at