We need your feedback on proposed re-entry rules

27 Apr 2022

As we announced last month in our news section, WorkSafe is proposing to revise several Restricted Entry Intervals (REIs) for various fungicides and pesticides.

We are collecting member feedback for a submission to WorkSafe, as some of the proposed revisions are very large increases to current REIs, and growers may be significantly affected. In order to make an effective submission, we require your input.

The table outlining proposed revisions can be found from page 5 onwards in this consultation document: https://www.worksafe.govt.nz/dmsdocument/47122-public-consultation-hazardous-substances-restricted-entry-intervals-for-specified-pesticides/latest. The product name is listed in the first column with the active ingredient in the second and the proposed new REI is in the far right column. The current REI in the column second from the right. 

Could you please go through the list of proposed new REIs, identify any products or active ingredients that you use, and answer the questions in the table below. WorkSafe has proposed the new REIs based on assuming that workers will spend 8 hours a day working in the treated area post-application. Please confirm the likely work rates.

The proposed REIs are particularly stringent for off-label use. If the crop you use the product on isn’t listed individually in the table, the REI that is proposed is described as “All other crops except:” Please list all products/proposed changes that would affect your current practices. In order to get a submission in on time, please send your completed table to matthew@nzppi.co.nz by close of day this Friday April 30.

Name of product/active


Is the proposed new REI workable for you?


If not, what activities would make this proposed REI impractical.


Please explain why wearing PPE for those tasks could be impractical.


Is there a reduced level of PPE (e.g. just gloves) that could be worn?


What would be the longest reasonable REI that you and your workers could follow?


How many hours per week would workers spend working in the treated area following application of this product?


Do you use the product off-label?



Name of product/active


Is the proposed new REI workable for you?


If not, what activities would make this proposed REI impractical.


Please explain why wearing PPE for those tasks could be impractical.


Is there a reduced level of PPE (e.g. just gloves) that could be worn?


What would be the longest reasonable REI that you and your workers could follow?


How many hours per week would workers spend working in the treated area following application of this product?


Do you use the product off-label?



Name of product/active


Is the proposed new REI workable for you?


If not, what activities would make this proposed REI impractical.


Please explain why wearing PPE for those tasks could be impractical.


Is there a reduced level of PPE (e.g. just gloves) that could be worn?


What would be the longest reasonable REI that you and your workers could follow?


How many hours per week would workers spend working in the treated area following application of this product?


Do you use the product off-label?








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