NZPPI Invites Board Nominations
Nominations have opened for NZPPI Board roles.
NZPPI's Constitution includes a rotation policy that requires two board members to retire each year, with the right to seek re-election.
Last year saw a number of changes to the Board, so this year there is one retiring member, Mike Simpson, who has advised that he will not be seeking re-election.
The Board position for the forestry sector remains vacant from last year's election and is therefore also open for nominations.
Co-opted Board member, Kara Beaumont, is leaving the Board in May this year to take maternity leave. The Board is seeking expressions of interest for this position.
Our Board members are vital to NZPPI's success, setting our strategic direction, bringing their industry knowledge and leadership skills to the table.
Our members are encouraged to put up their hand to be nominated and vote in the upcoming elections.
All nominations must be made on official forms, which will be sent to our members by 11/03/2022.
Voting will be conducted by postal or email voting, with voting forms to be returned to the NZPPI office by 5pm on (30/03/2022).
Official forms and other information regarding the elections are available by emailing or phoning 04 918 3511