Kauri dieback management plan on the way

01 Mar 2022

The proposal for a National Phytophthora agathidicida (Pa) Pest Management Plan (NPMP) was approved by Cabinet in late 2021 and is expected to enter into force in the second quarter of 2022.  

NPMPs are used for tackling major biosecurity threats and are the strongest form of regulation that the MPI can put in place for an established pest. MPI has stated that while there has been great work to protect kauri from dieback disease, the NPMP provides the opportunity to do more.

The plan will give access to powers under the Biosecurity Act 1993 to require specific actions of people that use, or come into contact with, kauri trees and forests. This includes plant producers that grow kauri. Rule 3 of the plan covers ‘Restrictions on Movement of Plant Material and Soil Policy Intent’. Rule 3 states: “Any kauri plant or kauri tree sold, offered for sale or gifting, or moved between sites in New Zealand must be produced under a kauri plant production plan that has been approved by the management agency or an authorised person.

Under the plan, kauri producers will need to follow a set of hygiene practices to ensure they don’t inadvertently spread the disease. The rules are based on NZPPI standards. Registering with Plant Pass and completing the Kauri Dieback Module along with the Core Standard will ensure producers meet the requirements of the NPMP.

NZPPI intends to survey some Kauri producers to get feedback on their information needs and concerns prior to the plan being implemented.

Phytophthora agathidicida National Pest Management Plan proposal

Pa NPMP questions and answers




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