Level 2 & 3 Alert returns
New Zealand is currently operating at COVID Level 2, with Auckland (within supercity boundaries) operating at Level 3.
These restrictions are current until Sunday 7 March unless extended.
At NZ Plant Producers we have worked closely with government agencies and understand:
- workers in our sector can apply for a travel exemption for work related to plant survival, e.g. watering etc.
- Plant producers in the food sector can obtain an exemption as essential workers under the food and beverage rules.
- Freight can move freely.
This update covers Level 3 operations; Level 2 operations; and crossing the Auckland boundaries.
Operating under Level 3
For full information on Level 3, go to https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-system/alert-level-3/
For business advice, go to https://covid19.govt.nz/business-work-and-money/business/doing-business-at-alert-level-3/
For advice specific to Northland, go to https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-system/regional-advice/northland/
Current rules for business at Alert Level 3:
- If your business requires close physical contact it can’t operate.
- We recommend your staff work from home if they can.
- Businesses need to display a QR code and have an alternative contact tracing system. We recommend making sure people either scan in or provide their contact details.
- Customers cannot come onto your premises — unless you are a supermarket, dairy, butcher, fishmonger, greengrocer, petrol station, pharmacy or permitted health service.
- Your business legally must be contactless. Your customers can pay online, over the phone or in a contactless way. Delivery or pick-up legally must also be contactless.
- Basic hygiene measures legally must be maintained. Physical distancing, hand washing and regularly cleaning surfaces. Workers legally must stay home if they are sick.
- Staff legally must remain a minimum of 1 metre apart at all times where practical. Other measures, such as PPE including face coverings, we recommend being used where appropriate.
- You legally must meet all other health and safety obligations
Operating under Level 2
For full information on Level 2 go to https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-system/alert-level-2/
For Auckland-specific advice, go to https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-system/regional-advice/auckland/
Current rules for business at Alert Level 2 (all of New Zealand outside Auckland):
- Reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission at work.
- All businesses can operate if they can do so safely. Alternative ways of working are encouraged where possible.
- Talk with your staff to identify risks and ways to manage them.
- Ask everyone — workers, contractors and customers — with cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms to stay away from your premises.
- Keep workers 1 metre apart and customers in retail businesses 2 metres apart.
- Businesses are legally required to display a QR code and provide an alternative contact tracing system.
- Face coverings are strongly encouraged if you are in close contact with others.
- Reduce the number of shared surfaces, and regularly disinfect them.
- Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.
Crossing Auckland Level 3 boundaries
For more information about the Auckland boundary, go to https://covid19.govt.nz/travel-and-the-border/travel-within-new-zealand/regional-travel/auckland-boundary-description-for-alert-level-3/ This webpage includes a map of the current Level 3 boundary. Eight checkpoints on the outskirts of Auckland will be stopping vehicles and questioning drivers, ensuring there is no non-essential movement through the region.
Anyone attempting to travel across the regional boundaries should expect to be stopped and asked for proof of essential travel.
For information on crossing the boundary, go to https://www.business.govt.nz/covid-19/business-travel-across-alert-level-boundaries. This page includes the link to register for work-related travel across the boundary. Everyone crossing the boundary for work will need to be registered, along with your business.
What you need to apply:
- your RealMe login - sign up to RealMe if you do not have a login
- the purpose of your travel request
- what boundaries you or your workers might need to travel across
- know the type of travel your workers will need to do (see link above for travel types)
- the names of all the workers you are requesting documents for.
As of this morning NZ Plant Producers is working with Government agencies and related industries to clarify your restrictions, responsibilities and rights under this second wave of Alerts. This is a rapidly-changing space and we will be in touch with you again with more up-to-date information.
Rest assured we are working extremely hard to protect the best interests of our industry. Primary industries rely on our production, and many families need our plants for food and wellbeing. NZ Plant Producers achieved good outcomes for our industry during the first wave of alerts and we are striving to do so again.
To keep up with the latest COVID information go to https://covid19.govt.nz/
NZPPI operational guidelines
NZPPI Level 3 Protocols
NZPPI Level 2 Guidelines
Work with us
NZPPI's COVID-19 work is supported and funded by our members. To join, complete the NZPPI membership application, or contact office@nzppi.co.nz.
For urgent matters, contact Matthew Dolan matthew@nzppi.co.nz, 0276 229 255