The Environmental Protection Authority has formally received our application for 12 houseplant species under HSNO's Full Release pathway.
They have released it for public consultation on 7 September, with the submission period closing at midnight on 19 October 2022.
This is the first full application accepted by EPA in the 24 years since HSNO came into force. We encourage our members/ industry and the houseplant community to make a submission to support the application. The EPA have a simple form to fill out for submitters - which can be done online, at the link provided below.
The EPA Staff Assessment Report will be released in November and a Public Hearing, should one be needed, is likely to be held in December 2022.
It is expected that a final decision will be available in February 2023.
You can see a short presentation on the application at the bottom of this page:
The Full Application and References, and details on how to make a submission can be found on EPA's website - just click on the link below.