Support package announced for stressed orchardists
The government has announced a well-being support package for fruit growers hit by a lack of workers and bad weather.
Seymour blames government for fruit grower's closure
The ACT Party says the closure of a large strawberry farm in Auckland reflects the government's failure to protect the horticulture industry.
Year-round demand prompts Maungatapere Berries to expand
A Whangārei berries producer is expanding its operation in the hopes of tapping into growing demand for year-round supply of fresh fruit.
Immigration NZ overturns decision on sheep scanners' work visas
Immigration New Zealand has given the green light to 11 foreign sheep scanners to help New Zealand farmers.
Organic food reforms: MPI seeks feedback on enforcable rules
The Ministry for Primary Industries is asking for feedback on proposed reforms to the organic sector.
Let's move the workers from lattes to orchard ladders
Constant calls from the tourism industry to open New Zealand’s border with Australia seem to be drowning out several other more important calls.