Phasing out fossil fuels for industrial heating

21 Jun 2021

NZ Plant Producers has partnered with HortNZ, Tomatoes NZ and Vegetables NZ to submit on the Ministry for the Environment's (MfE) proposals on the use of fossil fuels in industrial heating, focusing on greenhouse heating.

MfE has proposed a new National Policy Statement (NPS) and standards which would phase out new and existing coal use for process heat (including greenhouses) by 2037. In addition, the proposal would require demonstrating that there are no other "economically and technically viable" alternatives for other fossil fuels. 

The industry submission acknowledges the need to transition to non-fossil fuels and highlights the industry's steps on this journey. However, it also emphasises that there are no simple steps for this transition, and the timeframes for transition must enable change to occur at a pace that does not put growers out of business. 

See the full submission by clicking the link below.




Download MfE Submission
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