Resurgence Support Payment (RSP) - Change in Criteria

07 Sep 2021

The Minister of Finance has announced a change to the eligibility criteria for the Resurgence Support Payment (RSP). Businesses and organisations that have been in operation for at least one month prior to the Alert Level increase on 17 August 2021 will be eligible to apply for the payment. The original criteria was six months.

This change applies to the current round of the RSP and any future ones, meaning business which have been in operation since 17 July 2021 may now be eligible for this RSP. They will still need to meet all of the other criteria for the RSP. Note that this is not a new round of the Resurgence Support Payment - but it means some businesses who were not previously eligible for this round may now be eligible.

The change in criteria will become active from 8am on 9 September 2021 on Inland Revenue's website. Newly eligible businesses must wait until that date before applying under this new criteria. Inland Revenue will contact businesses whose applications under the current RSP activation were previously declined because they had been in business less than six months, to let them know they may now be eligible and can submit a new application.

Details on applying for the Resurgence Support Payment can be found here




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