NZPPI - Our Strategy 2021- 2026

02 Nov 2021

NZPPI's new strategy has a shared vision of a "thriving plant production industry that is respected for its professionalism, innovation and major contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand".

The strategy looks at the role that our industry will play in the success of the primary industries,  the environment and improving the places we live.  It provides strategic direction for the industry and focusses on the key priorities that need to be progressed.

First and foremost the strategy is for our members and stakeholders.  It has been developed with their input from conversations up their driveways, debate at our shed meetings and through a strategic forum we held in July 2021. 

From these insights we have identified the need to support our members to operate sustainable, productive businesses.  To achieve this we will deliver outcomes in the following strategic areas:

  1. Our people
  2. Environmental sustainability
  3. Plant production - innovation and practice
  4. Relationships and influence
  5. Member services

We will remain closely connected to our members and from our base in Wellington we will continue to build relationships with Government, industry groups and the community. 

NZPPI's first five year strategy was focused on building our organisation and establishing strategic relationships. Having successfully delivered this, our strategy for the next five years will build on this to achieve industry development and unity. 



Download Ou Strategy 2021 - 2026
(Adobe PDF) 2732KB



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