All up we had 74 responses, with a representative spread across regions and business types.
You told us the biggest issue facing your businesses is finding and retaining skills and labour. This was followed by regulation & compliance; plant imports; and biosecurity.
We asked you what you expected your business to be achieving in three years:
- 42% of respondents say they will employ 10-25% more staff
- 37% say they will increase production by more than 25%
- 34% say they will increase production by 10-25%
- 10% say they will be out of the industry
We also asked a group of questions about your interactions with NZ Plant Producers. You told us:
- 80% have used NZ Plant Producers for COVID-related support
- 75% have used NZ Plant Producers for biosecurity support
- 67% have recommended NZ Plant Producers membership to other businesses
And a very convincing 92% agree the NZ Plant Producers is an effective advocate for the industry.
We will be using your feedback to help us determine the work priorities for coming months, reflecting the issues and challenges you have reported facing in your business and the overall industry. Your feedback is always welcome, and helps us keep apace with the ever-changing industry.