Last week, Kathryn Hurr and Alix Walles took to the road and visited nurseries in the Wellington region. Keeping in the theme of 2020 we thought it was high time we explored our own backyard.
Leacroft Nursery in Pauatahahnui, although just a quick 30min drive from the city centre, feels a million miles away from the hustle and bustle.
Palmers in Plimmerton are one of NZPPI’s valued Industry Partner members. They have a well-run store with a great range of stock from both large nurseries from around the country, and small boutique producers as well.
Berhampore Nursery, part of the Wellington City Council, showed us around their beautiful site in the backstreets of residential Berhampore. They have a committed, passionate team who also include the first dedicated Nursery Production Apprentice.
Maryflower Limited showed us around their small nursery and show garden that stretches impressively down the bank behind their home in Grenada North. Built from the passion and hard work of owners Annemarie and Martijn Verhoeven, it was quite inspiring to see how far good old fashioned elbow grease can take you.
Finally, Sievers Grove nursery, part of the Porirua City Council, showed us how they engaged their community and their great work with local iwi and youth groups in the area.
The Wellington region, largely leaning toward retail, ornamentals and landscaping, was very much of one voice when it came to this unprecedented year of demand. The trend was already rising, but lockdowns and borders being closed has exacerbated the rush back into the garden. It has been a challenging year to keep up with, but one that sets our industry up in great stead for 2021.