The NZ Plant Producer's 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held online on Thursday 21st October at 10am.
This event will be held online via Zoom due to the current COVID restrictions. Please register for this event by clicking 'Book Now' on the event listing here.
NZPPI’s Annual Report for the year ending March 2021, including the 2020 AGM minutes, is available on the NZPPI website here.
Your participation at the AGM is important so you can have your say, and we invite you to attend.
Please note that only Producer Members have voting rights at our AGM. Industry Partner members are welcome to attend the meeting as an observer.
Apology & Proxy Forms
For members who are unable to attend the AGM, an Apology form can be completed online here. You can also find a Proxy form (click here), which enables those who cannot attend to have another member that is attending the AGM to record their vote.
If you don’t know anyone attending the AGM, we recommend that you nominate an NZPPI board member to hold your proxy vote.
This completed Proxy form must be completed before 10am on Tuesday 19th October 2020.
Board Sector Nominations
Following the Board elections held in February 2021, the Board sector seat representing Forestry remains open. Geoff Thorpe also stood down from his role as the Fruit & Vine Board sector representative earlier this year.
As such, both of these seats are available and we are calling for nominations ahead of the AGM. All nominations must be made on official forms, which you can find at the bottom of this article. These forms must be completed in full and returned to NZPPI by 10am, Wednesday 20th October. You can email the form to
Our Board members are vital to NZPPI’s success, setting our strategic direction, and bringing their industry knowledge and leadership skills to the table.
Our members are encouraged to put up their hand to be nominated. If more than one nomination is received, voting will be conducted at the AGM.
If you know of any valedictories in the last year that should be honoured in our AGM, please let us know at
Life Members
We are also calling for Life Members ahead of the AGM. Honorary Life Membership is the highest award granted by New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated. Life Membership signifies both recognition and appreciation of outstanding and dedicated service to the industry.
For more information about NZ Plant Producers' life members, and how to nominate please click here.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM soon.