NZPPI Strategy and Science

20 Oct 2021

Plant producer members will receive two new publications in the post this week: Our Strategy and the second issue of Plant Production Science.

Read them and put a copy in your smoko room to share with staff!  Both will be available shortly on our website, under the Resources tab. 

Our Strategy looks at the critical role that our industry plays in the success of the primary industries, improving the environment and creating Greenlife in the places where people live and work. It is about supporting the success of your business and the people that work in it.

It provides strategic direction for our industry and focuses on the key priorities that need to be progressed.  This is the first time in a generation that we have achieved this level of agreement about our industries strategic priorities and future direction.  The strategy has been developed with NZPPI’s members and stakeholders from conversations up their driveways, debate at our SHED meetings and through a strategic forum we held in Hamilton on 18 July 2021. 

The second issue of Plant Production Science focuses on Pest and Disease Management: taking a look at the latest tools an technology for detection and biology for prevention and control of pests and pathogens in plant production.

Welcome to our newest members receiving these - unfortunately they went to print before we could include you in the member and industry partner lists.




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