Fresh faces will sit at the NZ Plant Producers table this year, following the election of Stephen Burton and Clifford Scott to the Board.
Stephen, from Annton Nursery, was elected unopposed as the Food Sector Board Member. Stephen replaces Vince Wylaars of Zealandia Horticulture who has sat on the Board since 2016.
The new Retail Sector Board Member is Clifford Scott of Growing Spectrum. Clifford faced Colorworx Nursery’s Bernard Green in an election that closed on Wednesday, and will replace Greg Kitson of Ambrosia Nurseries, who resigned last year after four years.
The Forestry Sector Board Member seat remains vacant following the resignation of Murray’s Nurseries’ Patrick Murray. As no nominations were received for this role, the position will remain open and can be filled at the next Annual General Meeting.
NZ Plant Producers’ chair Mike Simpson welcomes Steve and Cliff to the Board.
“I am very pleased with the election results and am looking forward to working with the new Board members Cliff Scott and Steve Burton. I believe they will bring new skills and fresh perspectives to the organisation and will help us to maintain the positive traction we have gained over the past few years.
I would also like to thank Vince and Patrick for their valued contributions to NZPPI and wish them well in their future endeavours. Both played key roles in the creation of NZPPI as founding directors. Vince in particular has made a huge personal commitment to the industry for many years as NZPPI evolved and prior to that with NGIA. A sincere thank you to you both.”