Biosecurity summary

07 Sep 2020

Spring 2020 Biosecurity Newsletter

The NZPPI Spring 2020 Biosecurity Newsletter can be found here:



Biosecurity Act Overhaul

The Biosecurity Act is 27 years old and is being completely overhauled this year. NZ Plant Producers is on the import reference group for this review and is advocating for significant improvements to the plant imports system and for better management of biosecurity risk.

We are specifically recommending that the ‘New Organisms’ provisions be removed from HSNO and brought back under the Biosecurity Act.

Tomato Red Spider Mite in Auckland

Tomato red spider mite (Tetranychus evansii) is a pest of tomatoes and other Solanaceae. It was detected at a site near Auckland Airport in May 2020, and two other sites 20km away from the original find have been found. DNA testing shows all three populations are from the same lineage, suggesting it was a single incursion which has spread.

These mites mummify plants, completely wrapping them up in silk webbing and feeding on the plant until it dies. MPI is working with GIA partners on response options. More information can be found on MPI’s website:




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