Our organisation represents more than 100 plant producers who produce the plants growing food Kiwis eat and export, regenerating New Zealand’s forests, beautifying our urban landscapes, and being planted by millions of Kiwis in their backyards.
This election we have raised eight issues which much be addressed so our members can continue to thrive and produce the plants New Zealand so badly needs.
Our eight points are:
1 Plant producers must get priority access to water
2 New Zealand needs access to the World’s best plant varieties
3 The RSE scheme must be expanded with access to key workers from overseas
4 The Review of Vocational Education must be prioritised
5 Regulation and legislation must be reviewed and rationalised
6 Biosecurity must be strengthened and supported
7 Investment in planting must be targeted at our most efficient producers
8 New Zealanders deserve more green spaces in our urban areas
For your copy of the full Manifesto, click on the link below.