Updates to NZPPI Disease Management Platform include NIWA maps

20 May 2024

The platform developed by HortPlus can be found on the NZPPI website here. It gives those who sign up access to a series of local weather stations and forecast information, to help identify risk periods for diseases and plan management measures accordingly.

NZPPI has funding to continue access to the NIWA national maps for myrtle rust risk through to December 2024. The national maps show the overall myrtle rust disease pressure and are mostly used by land-management agencies, such as councils and DoC. Existing funding for these had expired, so NZPPI will host these and seek funding from land-management agencies to secure access to these maps in future years.

Other platform updates include: 

  • NZPPI has received a further grant from MPI-Te Uru Rākau to extend the provision of myrtle rust disease management platform for a further two years.
  • The myrtle rust model is being further updated for heavy rain risk and its effect on fungicide spray application.
  • In development - regular email reports of disease risk summaries that will also include blackspot and downy mildew


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