Our sector has a strong history of developing young people who love working with plants and building their skills and knowledge. We are working with our members, industry partners, tertiary providers and the Government to reignite the training programmes and qualifications that have been so important to our sector.  


With about 4000 people employed in our sector and many unfilled jobs, there are plenty of opportunities for people to join our industry and pursue an exciting and rewarding career. 

We work with other primary organisations to identify the best structures for horticultural vocational eduction.

This work includes:

  • Advocating for industry qualifications to ensure that they are relevant
  • Promoting free apprenticeships and scholarships
  • Supporting our emerging leaders on a strong career path.

To find out more, visit the Plant Careers Website.


The Young Plant Producer competition recognises the best young people in our sector and enables them to take the next step in their personal and career development.

The two-day event pushes entrants to learn valuable new skills, gives them exceptional networking opportunities with industry leaders, and a boost to their careers. Each year our Young Plant Producer joins the winners of other horticulture industry competitions in the Young Horticulturalist of the Year.

Check out the Young Plant Producer website for more information and how and when to enter.




In July 2022, we announced the establishment of the Carol Fraser Industry Training Award (Fraser Award) in memory of Carol Fraser who founded Growing Spectrum with her husband Peter. Carol, who played an extremely active role in industry training and the professional development of plant producers.

This (now) biennial scholarship continues Carol’s educational legacy through its support of those outstanding individuals who have a passion for plants, for training and education, and for our industry. It is open to the wider industry, not just people working in nurseries but also those working in plant science or technology. The award is open to individuals enrolled in or recently completed training and education related to plant production, the award is a fantastic opportunity for emerging young leaders. The next award is available in 2026. 

2024 Winner: Paige Bewster, Norfolk Rd Nursery

With five years' of experience in the industry and currently completing an apprenticeship in nursery production, Paige showed a deep passion and extensive knowledge in the propagation and botany of native species. Her significant contributions have earned her respect within the conservation community and among customers. Paige is stepping into a leadership role, mentoring and teaching others, and she use the scholarship to further her education and development.

2023 Winner, Alice Buschl,of Waimea Nurseries

Alice is a graduate of the Fruition Level 6 Diploma in Horticulture Production and oversees the commercial crops grown in the Container Nursery at Waimea Nurseries. She will use her scholarship award to do the Prince2 Project Management Course. "I am excited to learn about project management and use these new skills alongside my Horticultural skills to enhance my overall growth." The 2023 award was donated by Apex Greenhouses, NZPPI and the Fraser family. 

2022 Inaugural Winner, Dani McBride of Rural Design

Dani was our inaugural Fraser Award winner. Read all about her career in our Spotlight On series


The Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme has been specifically designed for the food and fibre sector.

The programme develops food and fibre sector leaders with the skills, confidence, awareness, and networks to think and act strategically. It is for farmers, foresters, fishers, producers, growers, and agri-professionals who have a desire to contribute to their rural community, food and fibre production, processing, or profession.

To apply, or for more information, visit the website or email kellogg@ruralleaders.co.nz.

Skilled Newcomers program connecting you with skilled talent

04 May 2021

Business Central has an awesome initiative, creating ease for employers when looking for the right candidates for their company.

The skilled newcomers program works with a pool or skilled job seekers all around New Zealand. The regional skill matching service aims to connect you with the skilled talent you need to run and grow your business.

This service is free for members and it is a great opportunity to tap into the skills you need to run and grow your business, diversify your team, and gain a competitive advantage.

Business central work with a wide range of professionals with skills and experience in the following areas:

  • Business and services for example:
    • Accountant
    • Managers
    • Administration
  • Construction, engineering and trades for example:
    • Purchasing and Procurement
    • Electrical
    • Chemical/process
    • Landscape
  • Healthcare, science, and education for example:
    • Recruitment
    • Teacher
    • Business development
    • Food science
    • Microbiologist
    • Lab assistant
  • IT and Telecommunications for example:
    • Sales
    • Software
    • Research Technician
    • Customer service
  • Marketing, Communications, and Media for example:
    • Media Designer
    • Graphic designer
    • Communications manager
    • Content writer

If you are interested in learning more about this Click here or alternatively you can contact Alice Schofield at alice@nzppi.co.nz if you need more information and she can connect you with the coordinator of the skilled newcomer’s program so that you receive the perfect list of candidates for the role.




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