Webinar series: Monitoring the impact of myrtle rust on native Myrtaceae in the ngahere - 4 August 2021

26 Jul 2021

Roanne Sutherland, Forest Pathologist (Scion) talks about the impact of myrtle rust of different species in New Zealand's natural environment. 

A variety of different myrtle species naturally occur in the Bay of Plenty, including ramarama, rōhutu, mānuka, climbing rātā and pōhutukawa. Long term monitoring plots established in 2018 in the Bay of Plenty region show that disease impacts have increased over the past three summers.

Roanne will give a presentation on the data collected from monitoring and talk about some of the expected ecosystem impacts.

To attend this webinar and hear about the work Roanne has been involved in, or to receive a recording to watch after the live session, register at the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.



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