NZPPI submission on MPI Proposal to suspend nursery stock genera

05 Sep 2024

NZPPI has made a formal submission in response to MPI's proposal to suspend import pathways for 1,467 plant genera that have not been imported in the past 11 years.

While MPI's goal is to focus on active import pathways and improve system efficiency, NZPPI strongly opposes this approach.

The proposed suspension could have long-term negative impacts on New Zealand's horticultural industries, environment, and communities by stifling innovation and limiting access to new genetic material. NZPPI argues that this proposal will compound existing challenges and lead to a self-reinforcing cycle that excludes important but less frequently imported plants.

NZPPI supports the need to improve the plant import system but advocates for a more targeted approach. We recommend maintaining pathways that allow for dynamic responses to emerging needs, such as combating climate change or accessing new plant genetics for food and fibre industries.

Additionally, our submission highlights the importance of reinstating import health standards in a timely manner and improving system clarity. We suggest exploring international schemes like the Naktuinbouw Elite Programme, which offers higher risk management standards for plant imports.

NZPPI remains committed to working with MPI to ensure a balanced approach that protects New Zealand’s biosecurity while supporting industry innovation. We have also written to the Ministers of Regulation, Environment and Horticulture (Associate Agriculture) expressing our concerns and seeking meetings to discuss them further.



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